
As a Licensed Massage Therapist a priority of mine is to always respect my client’s boundaries and to ensure they feel comfortable during any treatment. I expect the same respect from any of my clients so any inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and will lead to the end of the treatment.


Payment is expected at the time of the service. Cash or check would be preferred but all major credit cards are welcome.

Cancellation/Late Policy and Forms

You may cancel for no fee up to 24 hours before the appointment. If you cancel within 24 hours there will be no charge the first time, but if it happens a second time I will charge you 50% the cost of the session. If you miss an appointment without notice I will charge you the full cost of the session. If you are late to the appointment your appointment will still end at the set time, so please try not to be late. If you would like to save some time during your first appointment you can print out the required Intake Form and General Release Form.